In what ways can a WiFi security camera capture data?

Amcrest Camera
3 min readAug 1, 2022


Smart homes and businesses with Wifi-accessible gadgets are becoming more popular. Security cameras should be a part of every setup. Despite this trend, many people still remain skeptical about Wifi security cameras due to their bandwidth and data usage. It is important to understand how much data a Wifi security camera uses.

First, WIFI cameras can stream video and record it. Some camera brands can use a lot more bandwidth and data because of this. Wifi security cameras can upload records to the cloud at speeds up to 4Mbps. This usage can be higher depending on video quality. The Wifi security camera will use more data if it has a higher quality recording. Some home security systems, if not properly monitored, can consume up to 400GB per month just for a few wireless cameras.

Let’s say you have concerns about data and bandwidth. It’s important to be aware of these factors which can affect the data consumption of your Wifi security camera.

1. Video Resolution

Higher video quality is a plus, especially for security cameras. Higher quality is preferable, but it reduces the data consumption for the wireless camera. Average camera quality is 1080p. It is better to adjust the quality of your camera one setting lower if you have limited data. This is usually 720p or480p. Some cameras can switch between standard and high definition (HD) settings. Standard definition settings will decrease bandwidth and storage.

2. Frame Rate per Second (FPS).

FPS refers to the speed at which a camera displays frames per second. FPS is the speed at which a camera displays frames per second. The most common options are 60fps and 30fps. The FPS of security cameras is a measure of video resolution. The higher the FPS, the greater the data consumption it’s best to capture images at 30 frames per second if you are only looking for high quality images. The FPS can be easily adjusted in the WiFi security cam settings.

3. Footage Upload Frequency

A WiFi security camera typically consumes large amounts of bandwidth and data due to the frequent uploading of recordings to the cloud. Wifi camera can use up to 60GB data per month depending on how often they are uploaded. You can set record/upload intervals to prevent the security camera from continuously uploading recordings to cloud. A good rule of thumb is to upload once per day. It is better to use a motion/sound based record function with low sensitivities. This will only start recording when motion is observed or sound is heard. To prevent false recordings of movements from animals, plants, and vehicles, you can get business security camera with artificial Intelligence. You can expect data consumption to fall to 10–20GB per month if the security camera uploads only 10–15 seconds of an intrusion alert recording.

4. There are many WiFi Security Cameras

This one is easy. You’ll consume more data the more wireless cameras that you have installed. You should expect to see your monthly data limit if you have many WiFi cameras. Data consumption increases with more video streams being recorded and uploaded. If you don’t want your data limit to be exceeded, it is better to limit the number WiFi security cameras. In short, don’t go overboard!

5. Compression Level

Data consumption can be reduced by reducing the compression level of recordings from WiFi security cameras. It is best to use a higher compression setting if you have a lower monthly data allowance from your internet provider. This will not only affect your image and video quality but it will also keep your data usage low.

In Summary

These are only a few of the many factors you can consider when determining how much data your WiFi security camera consumes. It is better to plan how much data your camera should use in order to be more precise. You don’t have to worry about the data consumption of your security system if you have an unlimited internet plan. However, if you have a smaller data budget, it is important to choose the best wireless camera that meets your internet plan and your security needs.

Related Search:- How can a WiFi security camera capture data?



Amcrest Camera
Amcrest Camera

Written by Amcrest Camera


Amcrest wireless IP camera technology transmits up to 3-megapixel video resolution over WiFi network, allowing for long-distance and cost-effective HD video tra

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